Saturday, August 1, 2009


You're 7, you're a boy

You wake up

Ready to go to school

Take some coffee

Feel cool

Then you start

going to school

The teacher asks you

What did you have for breakfast

You say coffee

She says seriosly

You say

You want to be like your dad

Thats what he had


Red yellow not green

That's the autumn leaves

Plants dying with rain



Deep dark sleep

Lights up dreams

For boys and girls

Around the world

And when they wake up

With screams and shouts

To tell their mum and dad

It seems to be one

of the most lovely days

They have ever had

Then they tell them

About us

In their beautiful dream

And they told about how

We were in bed to sleep

This day the kids

Were ready for bed

Because they wanted to see us

All over again